Residential Projects

Nandadeep Undertake the design projects for residential and commercial buildings using arches, vaults, and dome (AVD) using stone or brick as building blocks and lime mortar as the binding material. AVD profiles put every joint of building blocks in compression, and structures with compression last for longer compare to the structures in tension. The use of lime mortar offers very high durability to the structure.

Presently we are doing three residential projects, one at Parbhani and two at Aurangabad. Some of the photo from the residential project are attached below:



Slaking of lime

Semi dressed stone for foundation

Eminently hydraulic lime should be used for the preparation of the lime mortar, the use of fat lime does not allow the development of strength. A lot of research work is carried at Nandadeep for identification , chemical testing, and mechanical parameter testing of the hydraulic lime to make it usable for practical applications.
We recommend the use of semi-dressed stone for the foundation work, instead of using random rubble masonry. The use of semi-dressed stone ensures better earthquake stability for the structure.



Lime mortar preparation

Use of Brick agreegates

Mulling action is very important in lime mortar preparation. This enhances the stickiness property of the lime, and hence roller pan mixer can be used for the preparation of the lime-based mortar.
The brick aggregate gives better bonding with the lime paste when compared with the stone aggregate. We recommend the use of brick aggregates for lime concrete.

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Lime concrete

Vault construction marking

Vault construction

Vault construction

The left image shows Plain Lime Concrete (PLC) in progress for the foundation work. The right image is showing the construction of the vault. Video of Vault construction

Rampant Arch Staircase

Lime concrete Flooring


Rampant Arch Before Steps Construction

The left image shows Rampant Arch for the staircase. The right image is showing the Lime concrete flooring. Below is another image of the rampant arch.

Parbhani residence project is completed and below are the external view of the building and inner view of room with vault roof visible:


Rampant Arch

Lime concrete Flooring

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