Pallavi Varma
Qualification: B. Arch
Current Position: Senior Architect, Nandadeep Designers and Valuers Pvt Ltd.
Experience: She is working extensively on the research related to hydraulic lime for different projects undertaken at Nandadeep for technical services.
Hydraulic lime is age old proven material for the binding of stone (or brick) blocks. Hydraulic lime is very durable material and it can last for thousand years) or even more. The hydraulic lime is vanished from the list of materials used for construction, it has happened mainly due to industrialization and easy availability of cement. The life of modern cement is limited to 50 years or at the most upto 100 years. In such case it becomes important to review the possibility of using hydraulic lime in new constructions. She is working on identifying the lime sources and identifying the optimum mix for lime concrete, lime mortar and even lime based grouts.
Contact details
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Mobile: 94 222 0 4543