- The Structural Engineering Department of Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya has organized two days National Workshop on "Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering" during 20-21 March, 2017. 165 participants from 18 colleges of the state have actively participated in the workshop. Expert lectures were delivered by Dr. Vasant Matsagar (IIT Delhi), Dr. Mahesh Varma (Director, Nandadeep Designers Pvt Ltd., Aurangabad), Dr. (Capt.) C. S. Sanghvi (LD College of Engineering, Ahmedabad) and Dr. Sharad Purohit (Nirma University, Ahmedabad).
- Qatar Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (India) is organizing a Technical Workshop under Dr. Mahesh Varma on “Building Extreme Durable Structures that lasts for 500 or 1000 years by revealing Ancient Construction Technology” on Friday, 24th March 2017 at Doha.
- Dr. Mahesh Varma is appointed as co-supervisor with Prof. Paulo LOURENÇO to the Master's student from SAHC (Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions) at University of Minho, Portugal for the academic year 2017-2018.
- Qatar Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (India) has published a synopsis of a lecture delivered by Dr. Mahesh Varma in 50th Souvenir of IEI. Dr. Mahesh Varma, director of NDVPL is facilitated by Hon. Er. Dinesh Udenia - first secretary, Embassy of India, Dr. Nasser Alnuaimi and Hon Chairman of IEI Qatar chapter Er. Aniruddha Kulkarni.
- 16th July 2018, Sharanam: A case study of a 15-meter span earthen conical vault, is published by Lara K. Davis, Dr. Mahesh Varma, and Satprem Maini at International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures Symposium 2018, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA. (
* Dr. Mahesh is invited for TEQIP-III Sponsored One Week Short Term Training Program On “Recent Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering” 26th November-01st December, 2018 organized by Structural Engineering Department of B.V.M Engineering College as an expert in stone masonry restoration. He delivered the lecture on “Retrofitting, Restoration, and Maintenance of Stone Masonry Heritage Structures”.
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